Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (AUTHOR=M AND Henderson)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biochemistry of foods 1971
Compilation of cooperative data element dictionary of five federal agencies' systems for processing of technical report literature 1983
Consultation on EPA's Risk and Technology Review (RTR) Assessment Plan 2007
Controlled environment facilities : a survey / 1961
Detection of Rotavirus with a New Polyclonal Antibody Enzyme Immunoassay (Rotazyme 2) and a Commercial Latex Agglutination Text (Rotalex): Comparison with a Monoclonal Antibody Enzyme Immunoassay. 1986
Effect of Fish Poisons on Water Supplies. I. Removal of Toxic Materials. II. Odor Problems. III. Field Study- Dickinson, North Dakota. 1959
Environmental Technology Verification Report. Advanced Monitoring Systems Center Quality Management Plan for the ETV Advanced Monitoring Systems Center Version 8.0. 2011
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Abraxis Ecologenia (Trade Name) 17 Beta-Estradiol (E2) Microplate Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Kits. 2009
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Abraxis Ecologenia (Trade Name) Ethynylestradiol (EE2) Microplate Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Kits. 2009
Environmental Technology Verification Report: AVANTE International Technology, Inc. PanaSec Mobile Personnel and Asset Visibility System. 2009
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Private Pallet Security System, LLC. MultiTrack(Trade Name) Layered Tracking System. 2009
Fabrication, optimization, and evaluation of a massive volume air sampler of sized respirable particulate matter / 1978
Feasibility study for a direct, air-cooled condensation system / 1976
Framework to Assess the Relative Vulnerability of Aquatic Ecosystem Services to Global Stressors. 2002
Joint Test Plan for Verification of HACH-LANGE GmbH. LUMIStox 300 Bench Top Luminometer and ECLOX Handheld Luminometer. 2010
Juvenile salmonid use of natural and hydromodified stream bank habitat in the mainstem Skagit river, Northwest Washington / Prepared by Eric M. Beamer and Richard A. Henderson ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District. 1998
Method for the selection of reference wetlands / 1989
Mite Antigen Concentrations in House Dust and the Occurrence of Wheezing in Children with Dust Mite Allergy. 1993
Nonpoint sediment production in the Colusa Basin Drainage Area, California 1983
Open channel flow 1966
Particulate Matter and Ozone Research Program Review. Report of the Subcommittee on Particulate Matter and Ozone Research. 2005
Performance evaluation of the Braintree Electric Light Department dry cooling tower / 1981
Performance Evaluation of the Braintree Electric Light Department Dry Cooling Tower. 1981
Problems of Treating Water Containing a Rotenone Preparation (Chem Fish Regular, An Emulsified Rotenone Preparation) Used in Fishery Management. 1957
Selecting sites for comparison with created wetlands / 1987
Soil survey of Steele County, North Dakota 1997
Techniques for handling landborne spills of volatile hazardous substances / 1981

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